How To Supercharge Fat Loss
And Enjoy "Perfect Poops" Daily...
Even While On Keto!
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From: Jeremy Reeves
To: New Keto Sweets Customers
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Dear Keto Sweets customers,
Now that you have all the Keto recipes you need, I want to talk to you about something else…
Accelerating the results you get with Keto.
Most people LOVE the results Keto gets for them...
- Faster weight loss than ever before…
- Lower inflammation…
- Skin that’s smooth and acne-free…
- An “upgraded brain” that’s sharp as a tack…
- And many others!
Plus you now have dozens and dozens of delicious, Keto-friendly recipes so you can enjoy everything Keto has to offer.
Now you can truly experience Keto like it was meant to be experienced.
But before your order gets shipped out...
There's something important
we need to talk about…
You see, many customers of Keto Sweets are dealing with things like...
- Irregular bowel movements (either too much or too little)...
- Frequent, smelly, embarrassing gas that you can hardly control...
- Painful bloating that makes you look 10 lbs heavier than you really are...
- And many other stomach-related issues...
And if that sounds like you...
I'd like to tell you about a rare "jungle fiber" I discovered that transformed my life...
Saving me from DECADES of humiliating pooping issues...
To now having daily "perfect poops" that would make people jealous.
It's amazing how fast it works, and the best part is…
It’s completely flavorless and mixes in seconds...
Which means you can add it to your morning coffee and enjoy "perfect poops" without even realizing it's in there!
I'll show you how to use it right in your own kitchen in just a second...
But first…
For most of my life, I've suffered from what's called "mixed IBS"...
Which simply means that my body didn't know WHAT it wanted to do.
One day I'd have diarrhea...
Giving me just 10-20 seconds to sprint to a bathroom before my bowels unleashed themselves into the world…
I’ve had public accidents in so many places I can’t even count...
But I think my most embarrassing accident was way back in college.
We were at a graduation dinner, and I’d just finished eating.
About 5 minutes later, that infamous “hot flash” you get as a warning before you poop your pants washed over me…
So I started speed walking towards the bathroom.
About half way there, the fire alarm rang.
My eyes opened wide as I mentally screamed...

At this point, I can’t even describe the fear that overtook my body.
I got outside as fast as possible and started booking it towards the nearest bathroom…
About 100 yards away.
So I clenched my butt as hard as I could, and started walking...
I was determined to hold it in until I got to the bathroom.
About half way there, two pretty girls walked by me.
I made the mistake of letting my guard down for a second…
Unclenched my butt for just a second so I could walk normally…
Gave them a quick “hi”...
And knew it was already too late.
Because just a few steps later...
My bowels won the battle...
With it now dripping down my leg and into my shoes...
I sprinted to the bathroom where I had to take off my underwear...
Cover up the stains on my pants as good as I could…
And call my parents to come pick me up.
Talk about humiliating!
I wish I could say that’s my only embarrassing story, but it’s not.
Because I’ve had accidents...
- In various restaurants when I couldn’t make it in time…
- In the car where I had to pull over and poop on the side of the road…
- In the car where I never made it to the side of the road…
- While jogging outdoors alongside the road...
You name it, I’ve probably had an accident there.
I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but having an accident...
In public...
As a grown adult...
Is one of the most humiliating experiences you can ever go through.
Even worse is that I never knew
what would trigger it...

If you've ever watched the movie "Along Came Polly"...
You might remember that scene where Ben Stiller gets a sudden bout of IBS and tries to hold it in...
Well trust me...
I've experienced that DOZENS of times at restaurants!
In fact…
I used to be terrified just to go into restaurants, making sure I knew exactly where the restrooms were any time I was in public.
I used to starve myself all day while flying, in fear of pooping myself on the plane…
And going out for breakfast? FORGET IT!
That was a guaranteed disaster.
And on top of that…
In between my bouts of diarrhea
I’d suffer from painful, belly-bloating constipation...
I’d go 3… 4… sometimes 5 days without pooping.
That caused painful bloating that looked like I’d gained 10 pounds…
A constant feeling of nausea from the feces literally rotting away inside me…
Painful, bleeding hemorrhoids from pushing too hard...
And “room-clearing” farts several dozen times a day.
Now thankfully, my angel of a wife (Katie) was very understanding...
Sometimes it got so bad, I thought she was going to leave me.
I used to sometimes sleep in the basement so she didn’t have to sleep in my toxic gas cloud all night.
It was frustrating, embarrassing, and literally sickening...
But then I added THIS to my coffee
and turned into a perfect pooper
in just TWO days...
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure if it would work or not.
The science all made sense to me, but I had to see “real world” results before I could be a believer.
And then 2 days after I started taking it…
I had my first “perfect poop” in YEARS.

I actually remember running out of the bathroom and yelling “OMG, it works!” to my wife.
More importantly, it worked CONSISTENTLY.
I’m now a “go every day after coffee”
kind of guy…
Which, for me, is literally life-changing.
Each time I go, it’s soft, smooth, and takes just 30-60 seconds.
I now enjoy the perfect poop every single day.
And because I’m pooping every day, I’m MUCH less gassy (which my wife loves)...
And it’s virtually odorless.
No more clearing out rooms…
Simply because I add this “super fiber” to my coffee and desserts.
The best part is, it’s working for SO many other people who’ve tried it.
I’ll tell you their stories in just a moment...
But first, I want to talk about...
WHY pooping problems happen
Pooping is supposed to be a pleasant experience.
It should come out soft and smooth…
It should come out quickly, taking just 30-60 seconds…
And it should happen frequently, generally once a day for most people…
Unfortunately that’s NOT the case for so many people.
And if you’re suffering from either constipation or diarrhea...
I’d like to explain why that’s happening and what you can do to feel better in as little as 48 hours…
And supercharge the results you get from Keto at the exact same time.
Let’s start by explaining why each of them happens...
Pooping Problem #1: Constipation
Being constipated is a terrible feeling…
- It makes you look bloated and 10lbs heavier than you really are…
- It hurts when you finally go and can even cause hemorrhoids, hernias, and varicose veins…
- It makes you nauseous due to the fact that several pounds of toxic feces are backing up into your intestines…
It’s not only uncomfortable, it’s toxic to your body…
Which is exactly what Keto is trying to avoid!
And thankfully the solution is pretty simple….
Eat more fiber.
You’re supposed to eat about 25-30g fiber per day, and very few people are getting that much.
And if you’re having a hard time staying regular, it’s CRUCIAL to add more fiber to your diet...
It actually helps in TWO different ways…
Soluble fiber absorbs extra water into your stool, making it softer, larger, and easier to pass through your intestines...
Insoluble fiber adds bulks, helping it pass through your intestines faster and easier...

In just a moment I’ll show you my favorite way to add this little-known “jungle fiber” to your diet and enjoy perfect poops daily…
But first I’d like to explain the second problem many people face...
Pooping Problem #2: Diarrhea
Here’s something strange…
Did you know that both constipation AND diarrhea can be caused by too little fiber?
That might sound a little odd, so let me explain...
Eating a lot of fat fatigues your gallbladder…
And when your gallbladder is fatigued, it pushes food through your digestive system too quickly…

Because it moves quickly, your poop can’t absorb the water (or nutrients) from your colon…
So the water essentially comes out WITH it, resulting in embarrassing diarrhea.
That’s why it’s CRUCIAL to get more fiber if you’re suffering from diarrhea.
Fiber acts like a sponge to soak up water from your colon and into your poop…
So the diarrhea goes away!
Along with the need to sprint to the bathroom…
The embarrassing sounds you try to hide from people around you…
And the fear of being in public when it strikes you.
And that’s why I’d like to tell you about...
The little-known "jungle fiber"
which creates perfect poops daily
What I’m talking about is NOT the “typical” type of fiber you’ll find in most products such as cereal or bread...
The jungle fiber I’m talking about is called “prebiotic fiber” … also known as prebiotics.
I like to call in jungle fiber because of the Hadza Tribe in Tanzania.
They’re one of the last remaining hunter-gatherers on the planet, and known to have one of the healthiest guts on the planet too.
In fact, their gut microbiomes are 40% more diverse than the average person…
And the reason is because they eat extremely high amounts of fiber… specifically prebiotic fiber.
Prebiotic fibers act just like soluble and insoluble fiber to help regulate your bowel movements...
But they also act as FOOD for “friendly” gut bacteria.
That means they help strengthen your microbiome which has profound effects on all areas of your health, including…
Support a healthy heart...
Maintain positive moods…
Subdue harsh allergies...
Help maintain a healthy weight…
Help you sleep better…
Support a healthy immune system...
And many more!
And if you’re taking a probiotic, they can supercharge the effects of that probiotic!
They go far above and beyond what “normal” fiber does…
Which is why you can’t take just ANY “traditional” fiber supplement.
Typical fiber supplements
are NOT prebiotic fiber...
Most “fiber supplements” lining the shelves of drug stores like CVS or Walgreens do provide a little benefit if you’re having trouble with your bowel movements...
But they are NOT prebiotic fiber.
Nor are they as healthy as you might think...
Psyllium, for example, comes with a few risks you may not realize...
- Most products don’t contain 100% pure psyllium which means they can contain unknown amounts of gluten, sugar, artificial flavors, artificial colors and fillers. YIKES!
- It can swell in your throat and cause choking if you don’t drink it with enough water...
- And it can cause unwanted digestive discomfort and even an asthmatic-like allergic reaction…
Plus it's pretty gross :)
The bottom line is, “typical” fiber supplements have some benefits, for some people. But they’re not what you need to establish a healthy microbiome and supercharge your fat loss results.
To do that, you need more prebiotic fiber in your diet.
And when you do, your body will love and reward you for it!
In fact, prebiotic fiber helps you lose weight in not one, but THREE different ways...
Prebiotic Benefit #1:
It Helps You Enjoy Perfect Poops
As I mentioned above, prebiotics have been shown to be great at keeping you regular…
And you’ll LOVE that tight, slim, non-bloated feeling when you finally get rid of the excess poop that’s backed up inside you...
Some sources say you can easily have anywhere between 5 to 20 pounds of waste sitting in your intestines if you aren’t going at least once per day.
That's as much as a used car tire...
No wonder they call it a "spare tire"!
I personally lost about 4 pounds (permanently) when I first started pooping daily.
Go more often and you’ll feel lighter, more energetic, less gassy, and have a much easier (and faster) time on the toilet each time you sit down to go.
Fortunately, prebiotics can help prevent this from happening.
And speaking of feeling lighter…
Prebiotic Benefit #2:
Assists Weight Loss By Reducing Cravings
And Keeping You Full Longer
As you probably know, Keto is great for helping control your appetite…
And prebiotics take it a step further.
Fiber absorbs water and swells in your digestive tract.
This is what gives you a sense of satisfaction and fullness that can last for hours.
Since fiber has lots of weight…
Very few to no calories because your body doesn’t digest them as calories…
And pushes calories through your digestive system faster…
You eat less food without even thinking about it.
Plus it curbs your cravings naturally by…
- Decreasing Ghrelin - Ghrelin is a hunger-producing hormone that causes that feeling of “being full but wanting to keep eating”....
- Increasing BDNF - BDNF is a protein that affects your mood. When it comes to eating, it’s what causes you to feel less satisfied after eating. This causes you to continue eating, which makes you gain weight.
So by DECREASING ghrelin which reduces your hunger levels…
And INCREASING BDNF to feel more satisfied…
You end up eating less without even realizing it, helping you achieve your ideal weight.
In fact, according to a study from Brigham Young University featuring 252 women…
Every additional gram of fiber consumed per day (with no additional exercise) helped them lose an extra ½ pound of fat.
Talk about an easy way to lose weight!
Prebiotic Benefit #3:
Helps Good Bacteria Flourish
To Give You A Stronger Stomach
Prebiotics are fibers your body can’t digest…
And act as an energy source for your GOOD gut bacteria.
That means they help your good bacteria flourish, so you enjoy…
- Less sensitivities to “trigger” foods such as carbs, dairy, high fat, sugars, and others that trigger you...
- Less gas and bloating…
- A stronger immune system…
- More clear skin with less breakouts…
- An easier time maintaining your ideal weight…
- And SO many more!
As an added bonus...
They even supercharge the results you’ll get from any probiotic you take…
Because it helps them survive and thrive.
It's HARD getting enough prebiotic fiber
(or even regular fiber) in your daily life...
Prebiotics are generally found in RAW, WEIRD foods. Cooking strips out most of the prebiotic content in food.
That’s why it’s so important to eat them raw.
Unfortunately, most people simply can’t stomach the raw versions of high-prebiotic containing foods, like these...
- Raw chicory root
- Raw Jerusalem artichoke
- Raw dandelion greens
- Raw garlic
- Raw leeks
- Raw onions
- Raw jicama
- Raw asparagus
- Raw green bananas

Some of those aren’t included in the Keto diet…
And the rest (like garlic) are foods that no sane person would eat raw.
Those types of raw, exotic foods are nearly impossible to fit into a “normal” diet.
That’s why I’d like to introduce you to a SUPER easy way to get more prebiotic fibers into your diet...
It’s Called PreBio Boost…
And It Multiplies The Results Of Everlean
In Just Seconds Per Day!
Peak BioBoost is a combination of four different science-backed prebiotic fibers to assist weight loss AND help you enjoy the "perfect poop" on a daily basis.
Simply add a scoop to your coffee…
Or any of the other dozen or so ways you can use it…
And you’ll enjoy more regular, consistent, perfect poops.

Plus it...
- Help reduce hunger so you can enjoy your favorite foods without feeling guilty everytime you want to treat yourself…
- Helps you stay full longer which helps you experience fewer sugar cravings and help you achieve your goals faster…
And it works like CRAZY!
You’ve already heard my story about how it was the ONLY thing that rebalanced my pooping habits…
And it’s working for many other people as well. Here are a few of their stories…
Helped With Painkiller Constipation
In Just 2 Days...
"I tried this because I was frustrated with the constipation I got from painkillers after a surgery I had. Just two days in and my constipation was gone! Plus I just put it in my coffee, and can’t taste it whatsoever. I loovvveee how easy it is, how fast it works, and how affordable it is. I’ll now use this everyday!"
- Kristen Pizzano
WOW - I Finally Feel Normal Again!
"I tried Peak BioBoost three days in a row and WOW. I finally feel normal again after not being able to poop right for YEARS. Plus they were all super smooth and easy!
I also forgot to take it on day 4 and didn’t poop that day. Then I started it back up again, and got on a normal schedule. It’s crazy how good it works!"
- Allison Carpio
I’m Much Less Sensitive And
Reduced My Diarrhea By About 80%!
"I used to have a ton of food sensitivities because my gut was all messed up from a lot of antibiotics growing up. I never knew what would trigger diarrhea and have had a bunch of VERY close calls.
I never thought to take more fiber for my diarrhea, but what you said made so much sense. I tried it, and after just a couple days my sensitivities and diarrhea went way down. I’m now about a month in and can say with VERY much pleasure that my diarrhea has reduced by about 80%!"
- April Watts
Now as I'm sure you can tell...
Peak BioBoost is the PERFECT compliment
to Keto Sweets...
What I love most is how EASY it is to use…
And the fact that it’s both flavorless AND easily mixable.
Most people simply add it to their coffee.
There is ZERO flavor difference, and it mixes in just seconds…
Or you can add it to many of the recipes you’ll enjoy in the Keto Sweets Cookbook.
On top of that, you can add a scoop to any of the following…
- Coffee (my personal favorite)
- Tea
- Water
- Smoothies
- Protein drinks
- Baked Goods
- Pancake/muffin batter
- Homemade dough/bread
- Pasta sauces
- Oatmeal
- Mac & Cheese
- Soups/stews
- Salad dressing
- And MANY more… the options are limitless!
Since it quickly dissolves into anything liquid based (hot or cold) without lumps, in just a few seconds, you can enjoy more fat-burning, consistent and regular bowel movements, and so much more.
Having said that...
WHY does this work so well?
That answer is pretty simple actually…
Because of the unique combination of prebiotic fiber we use.
Research shows that different probiotics thrive on different types of prebiotics. Just like you have your favorite meals, so do your gut bacteria!
That’s why they’ve included...
Acacia Gum
To suppress your appetite, support an enjoyable and consistent pooping experience, and help you stay full longer…*
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
To improve the boost the effect of resistance starch and increase the number of healthy bacteria in your gut...*
Which swells up into a gel-like substance that expands in your stomach so you experience less appetite and fewer cravings...*
To help bulk up your “movements” and flush waste out of your digestive tract. Plus, it’s one of the best all-natural remedies for constipation… *
All this brings up a question you’re probably thinking right now...
How much should you take?
As you’ve just seen, you can mix Peak BioBoost into almost anything without even realizing it's there.
That’s what makes this perfect for the entire family.
Now, it’s totally up to you if you want to share it with your family, especially if you have kids. I highly recommend showing it to your pediatrician if you decide to do that.
Regardless, here’s how to get the best results...
FIRST, start out with 1 serving per day.
You’ll want your body to adjust and see how it handles it.
If you experience a little gas, simply cut back to ½ serving per day for a week, then try 1 serving again.
As with probiotics, it’s a GOOD thing if you experience this, as it means your microbiome is adjusting and getting stronger.
By the second month, if you need it, you can safely enjoy up to 2 servings per day.
Which brings me to my next point...
How long should you take it?
My recommendation is to think of prebiotics like you would a multivitamin.
When you take a multivitamin, you experience the benefits of it while taking it.
But when you stop, the benefits stop.
It’s the same with a prebiotic.
It should be something you take daily to feel better, keep your digestion strong and healthy, stay slim, and enjoy more energy.
That’s why I’d like to give you...
TWO FREE containers of Peak BioBoost!
Today, Jeremy has been generous enough to offer a “new customer” discount when you add Peak BioBoost to your order today.
In fact, you can get up to 2 bottles absolutely free when you order 4 at the regular price, without risking a single dime.
Plus, your order is backed by a 1-year, 100% money-back guarantee. I want you to feel confident in anything you purchase from Peak Biome. That way you can order today, risk-free, then try it and see how it works for you.
That’s why all I’m asking from you right now is a “maybe”.
You’ve experienced what a nightmare it is having pooping issues…
And I want you to experience how AMAZING it feels to finally have reliable, soft, easy poops each and every day.
On top of that, you’ll receive FREE shipping if you choose the “Buy 4 Get 2 Free” option Jeremy has provided. That saves you an additional $9.95.
Just remember, this offer is available on THIS page only.
Once you leave, I can’t offer these discounts again because when you click away we’ll process your order.
So look at the ordering options and choose the right package for you.
Try 1 container if you’re simply trying it out and are super skeptical…
3 containers if you want the best possible experience…
And Buy 4 Get 2 Free if you want the best experience AND by far the best deal!
Take a moment and choose your option below...
1 Jar Subscribe & Save

1 bottle monthly. Cancel any time.
FREE Shipping
Normally $39.95
12.51% discount

Buy 4 Get 2 Free

$29.95 per container
$8.95 s&h
Normally $209.70
37.54% discount

3 Jars

$34.95 per container
$6.95 s&h
Normally $89.85
25.03% discount

*Allergen Note: Contains NO gluten, dairy, corn, sucrose, dextrose, soy, egg, or peanuts.
Copyright © 2019 Peak Biome Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Peak Biome Inc. products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription or over-the-counter medication, are under the age of 18 or have, of suspect you may have a medical condition. Consult your physician before using these, or any other, dietary supplements. Keep out of the reach of children or pets.
+For maximum results, combine Everlean with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
We’re confident that you’ll love Everlean but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened bottle(s) and your unopened bottle(s) within 90 days of purchase for a full refund, minus shipping and handling. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Contact our customer happiness team at [email protected] for more information. You can view return instructions here. Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.
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- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21767445
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/psyllium-husk/
- https://selfhacked.com/blog/psyllium-husk/
- https://www.reference.com/vehicles/much-tire-weigh-9028c0baef829509
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/prebiotics/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21767445
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19549282
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19158230
- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fiber-health-the-super-fi_b_594153
- https://drhyman.com/blog/2010/06/28/the-super-fiber-that-controls-your-appetite-and-blood-sugar-2/
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/article/gum-arabic/
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/inulin/
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-3010.2005.00481.x
- https://draxe.com/nutrition/10-flax-seed-benefits-nutrition-facts/