Claim Your FREE "Perfect Poops"
Gut-Friendly DESSERTS Cookbook Now...

Enjoy 51 mouthwatering...
easy to make... gut-friendly DESSERT recipes... 100% FREE!
Just tell us where to send them...
What if you could enjoy DAILY mind-blowing, gut-friendly desserts that tastes just like the real thing and...
- Are gone in SECONDS at a party…
- Can help you burn fat…
- Have ZERO processed sugar, unhealthy fats, gluten or dairy…
- Taste SO good even your kids or grandkids won’t know they’re gut-friendly...
Without feeling a single ounce of guilt because they’re actually HEALTHY for you and heal your gut?
Now you finally can...
And I’d like to give you 50+ of them absolutely FREE.
Unlike most desserts which can cause digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and much more for so many people…
These Gut-Friendly Desserts Help You Enjoy Regular… Consistent… Smooth… Bulky…
“No Strain” Poops
Here's a quick sample of some of the recipes you'll find inside Perfect Poops: Desserts Edition....
Rich, Gooey Brownies...

walnut Brownies

Congo Bar Blondies

Almond Butter Brownie Bites
Out Of This World Cookies...


Coconut Macaroons

Chocolate Thin Mints
Soft, Moist Cakes & Cupcakes...

Strawberry Shortcakes

Lemon Raspberry Cheesecakes

Black Velvet Cupcakes
Soft, Velvety Ice Cream...

Banana Split Ice Cream

Avocado Ice Cream

Chocolate Banana Ice Cream
Craving-Crushing Chocolate Treats...

Cacao Cookie Dough Bites

Chocolate Donuts

Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Bark
Plus Over A Dozen Other Desserts...

Blueberry No Bake Cheesecake

Lemon Bars

Frozen Berry Yogurt Bark
And SO many more...
All for FREE!
By replacing these healthy versions of your favorite desserts you’ll…
- Be LOVED by your family, friends, relatives and colleagues who will beg you to make more…
- Be able to enjoy dessert more often (even daily) without worrying about them ruining your diet or your health…
- Enjoy healthy bowel movements and less “belly blues” that desserts normally give you…
- Maybe even lose a couple pounds because of how many less calories these desserts have...
They're Great For Almost ANY Diet!
That's because these recipes contain...
- NO gluten...
- NO dairy...
- NO processed sugar...
- No unhealthy fats...
- NO artificial ingredients of any kind...
Those “dirty” ingredients are banned from most diets, and for good reason...
They make you sick… tired… unhealthy… overweight… and ironically cause uncontrollable sugar cravings.
And you’ll be glad to know that these recipes contain NONE of them.
Instead we’ve replaced them with healthier alternatives that still taste GREAT yet are perfect for any diet you’re currently following.
That includes Keto… Paleo… fasting… Vegan… and nearly every other diet you can think of…
Including none at all!
And here’s the best part...

These Aren't Your Typical... Boring...
Bland (AKA Gross) "Health" Recipes...
If you’ve tried other “healthy dessert” recipes you know that most are boring, bland, and taste nothing like the real thing.
And I get it…
When you eat dessert, you want to ENJOY it.
You want to sink your teeth into that dessert and experience pure bliss.
Unfortunately most “healthy” recipes are good for you but are dry and taste like chalk.
You can barely get them down yourself… let alone share them with friends and family at parties or work events.
I know, because I’ve tried a LOT of them and I feel the same way!
That’s why you’ll love the desserts inside Perfect Poops.
We’ve Taken The “Forbidden Four”
And Replaced Them With Healthier...
Lower Calorie... Gut-Friendly Options...
While KEEPING The Flavor
When it comes to gut health, dessert is a BIG no-no.
Most desserts contain a LOT of white sugar…
A LOT of unhealthy fats…
A LOT of gluten…
And a LOT of dairy.
These are what I called the “Forbidden Four”.
They make it nearly impossible to lose weight…
They can cause both constipation and diarrhea...
And they FUEL “bad” bacteria which creates an imbalanced microbiome (AKA dysbiosis) which causes more weight again, more stomach problems, and so much more...
Perfect Poops Desserts gives you the healthier, just-as-delicious, gut-friendly versions of your favorite desserts.
We’ve replaced these “high risk” ingredients with healthier ingredients which heal your gut instead of destroy it.
In fact…
- They still taste AMAZING, but won’t cause stomach problems or make you sprint to the bathroom...
- They’re much lower in calories than most traditional desserts so you can have a little extra without worrying about your waistline...
- Plus they contain just the right amount of dietary fiber to strengthen your gut, keep you full longer so you can avoid snacking, and help keep you regular…
In other words, they’re desserts specifically designed to help you enjoy “perfect poops”.
But you might be asking...
Do These Desserts ACTUALLY
Taste Like The Real Thing?

The short answer is: YES.
I’ve eaten WAY too many bland, boring, dry “healthy” recipes that I could barely manage to swallow.
These are NOT like them.
I’ll be honest, I’m pretty picky.
I love food, and I’m sure you do too.
That’s why you’ll love these recipes…
They’re so good, even people who eat “regular” desserts daily can’t tell the difference.
In fact...
Your Family, Friends And Coworkers
Will BEG To Know Your Secret!
One of the best feelings ever is sharing dessert with someone and having them ask what your secret is...
And the truth is, it's even BETTER when that dessert is actually healthy for them!
That's why I love sharing these desserts with friends... bringing them to parties... and making them several times a week for my kids.
Because while my kid complain about all sorts of food…
They NEVER complain about the desserts inside this recipe book.
I made sure each recipe was “family approved” because I don’t want to just help you enjoy healthier desserts, I want you entire family and friends to enjoy them too!
Speaking of which...

Perfect Poops DESSERTS Is For Anyone
Looking For A Healthier, Guilt-Free Way
To Enjoy Dessert…
These desserts are perfect if you’re specifically trying to rebalance your microbiome…
Or if you’re just sick of feeling terrible after eating regular desserts.
Regardless of what diet you’re currently on, you’ll find recipes are perfect if you have a “sweet tooth” or if you just want healthier alternatives.
That includes Paleo… Keto… Vegan… and so many others!
In fact, these gut-friendly recipes are loved by people...
- Trying to avoid processed sugar...
- Suffering from joint pain and inflammation…
- Dealing with blood sugar issues…
- Suffering from an autoimmune disease (i.e. arthritis, fibromyalgia, crohn’s, celiac, thyroid and more)...
- Who are sensitive to foods such as dairy, gluten or unhealthy fats...
- Eating a vegetarian diet
- Dealing with digestive issues…

And by people who simply want to enjoy their favorite desserts without feeling GUILTY that they’re destroying their body with each bite.
And here’s the best part...
Even People Who’ve Never Baked Before
Can Whip These Up Easily And Quickly!

I’m personally NOT a baker (just ask my wife)…
I love cooking, but baking just isn’t my thing.
And these are STILL super easy and quick for me to make.
Nobody likes complicated recipes, which is why we made sure all the recipes inside the Perfect Poops Desserts cookbook can be prepared in 30 minutes or less.
(Not including cooking time obviously)
Many of them are even faster… requiring just 5 minutes or less!
Plus they’re easy enough that you can do them with your kids or grandkids. I cook these with my own kids all the time and they LOVE how fun it is.
On top of that...
All Ingredients Are Affordable
And Easy To Find...
I live in a very small town of about 4,000 people…
Which means the closest health food store like Wegmans or Whole Foods is at least a 20 minute drive.
Because of that, I need to keep recipes SIMPLE with ingredients that are easy to find.
Maybe you’re in the same situation, which is why I made sure to use common, easy to find ingredients.
Every single ingredient found within Perfect Poops Desserts can be found in your local grocery store or on Amazon.
If They're So Good...
Why Give Them Away For Free?
Because I know what it’s like to suffer from gut issues.
I dealt with stomach problems for the first 30 years of my life and I was miserable every single day.
I used to have something called “IBS with mixed bowel habits”.
- Some people have IBS with constipation…
- Some have IBS with diarrhea…
- And others, like me, have IBS with constipation and diarrhea.
In other words, our stomach’s don’t know WHAT they want to do!
One day I’d have IBS, giving me just 10-20 seconds before my bowels unleashed themselves onto the world (resulting in many public accidents)...
Then I’d suffer from 3-5 days of constipation, where I couldn’t go to the bathroom, regardless of what I tried...
Certain foods would trigger me, others wouldn’t.
On top of that, I’d suffer from “room-clearing” farts dozens of times a day.
Thankfully, my angel of a wife was very understanding...
Because it was frustrating, embarrassing, and literally sickening.
Now maybe you don’t IBS...
Or maybe you do.
- Maybe you’re just looking for a healthier option when it comes to dessert so you don’t feel guilty eating them…
- Maybe you’re tired of getting sick and tired after eating dessert (like I was)...
- Maybe you’re trying to find dessert alternatives with fewer calories so you can stay lean…
Or maybe all of the above!
Regardless, that’s why I put together this Perfect Poops: Desserts Edition cookbook.
And I'd Like To Ship It Straight To Your Door... Absolutely Free!
Right now, we’re giving away FREE copies of Perfect Poops: Desserts Edition. All you have to do is cover a small shipping & handling fee of $6.95.
But if you’re like me, you might be a little skeptical of free giveaways on the internet...
If so I don’t blame you!
I’ve seen so many shady companies giving you something for “free” and trying to hide the fact that they’re actually going to bill you later.
That’s why I want to make this very clear…
There is NO CATCH to this free offer!
- There are NO hidden charges…
- There are NO monthly shipments…
- There are NO surprises or strings attached…
You simply pay a small one-time shipping & handling cost…

I’ll pay for the book itself plus all the time, effort and resources that went into making the recipes…
And you enjoy 50+ healthy, delicious, gut-friendly dessert recipes.
That’s it!
But because this is such a limited offer, there is something you should be aware of...
This Isn't Available ANYWHERE Else
It’s not sold in bookstores…
It’s not sold on Amazon…
Heck you can’t even get this offer on our own website!
The only way to take advantage of this FREE printed version of Perfect Poops: Desserts Edition is on this page.
Plus when you order today you'll get...
Bonus #1:
99 Gut-Friendly, Fat-Burning
Smoothie Recipes
I partnered with one of my very good friends, Jonathan Bailor.
Jonathan is the creator of “The SANE Plan” and author of the book “The Calorie Myth”.
The SANE plan is the only program endorsed by top doctors at The Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and UCLA, and proven clinically and in over 100,000 success stories to revitalize your hormones and even your brain.
This helps make it easier to get to your ideal weight and stay there.

When I told him about Everlean, he immediately loved the idea.
In fact, he offered to give my customers 99 of his most delicious, gut-friendly, fat-burning recipes, FREE! And you'll receive this is an instant, free download as soon as you order.
Plus you'll get...
Bonus #2:
The Ultimate Guide To
Dessert Substitutes
I have to admit... putting together a cookbook is hard work!
That's because everyone has different tastes... different allergies... different preferences... different diet restrictions...
That's why we put together our ultimate guide to dessert substitutes. It shows you exactly what ingredients you can "swap" for others to achieve the same result. We've included substitutions for...
- 12 flour substitutions...
- 4 healthy fat substitutions...
- 6 sugar alternatives...
- Substitutions for those with common allergies...
- And so much more!

And as if that weren’t enough, I want you to know that you’re backed by our...
1-Year, 100% Money Back Guarantee…
And You DON’T Even Have To
Return The Book!
I KNOW you’re going to love the 50+ recipes inside this book. They’ll completely change the way you think about dessert.
- Gone are the days of feeling guilty about every bite you take…
- Gone are the days of desserts causing you to sprint to the bathroom and/or not go for days...
- Gone are the days of destroying your health just to satisfy your sweet tooth…
Now you can enjoy dessert daily, knowing that you’re actually improving your health and giving your microbiome the fuel it needs to stay strong and balanced.
And if for ANY reason you feel it’s not for you, simply let us know and we’ll even refund your shipping & handling costs. Plus you can keep the book as my way of saying “thanks” for trying it out.
I think that’s a pretty fair deal!

Get Your FREE Copy Of Perfect Poops DESSERTS While We're Still Giving Them Away...
Here's a quick summary of everything you just read...
When you order Perfect Poops: Desserts Edition today you'll get...
- 50+ delicious, easy-to-make, gut-friendly dessert recipes to help you enjoy a brand new way of eating desserts...
- Bonus #1: 99-Gut-Friendly, Fat-Burning Smoothies which help heal your gut while putting you in the best shape of your life. I enjoy one of these delicious smoothies daily, and you will too...
- Bonus #2: The Ultimate Guide To Dessert Substitutions so you have options and can easily tweak the recipes for your own body...
You simply pay a small $6.95 shipping & handling fee so I can mail you the physical copy. Plus I'll send you the digital version instantly so you can try them out right away.
Plus it's guaranteed. If for any reason they aren't for you, let me know at any time in the next YEAR and I'll refund your S&H fee. You don't even have to send the book back!
But remember this offer is available on THIS page only…
It’s not available on Amazon or ANY other page (not even our own website)...
And since we’re not making any money giving these away for free…
I can’t guarantee how long we can keep sending out free books.
If you decide to bookmark this page or save it for later, you might come back to a “sold out” banner. That means we either sold out of our current supply, or stopped giving it away for free.
Heck you might even come back to a page asking for the full retail price of $24.95.
Why do that when you can get a copy here and now… FREE?
Go ahead and click the “Ship My Free Book” button you see below.
That will take you to our 100% secure page where you can fill in your details so we know where to ship your book.

(Just $6.95 S&H for U.S. customers. $9.95 S&H for international.)
(By clicking this link you won’t be obligated in any way to make a purchase.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is this really free?
Answer: Yep! All we ask is that you pick up the small S&H fee. We’ll pay for the book itself, you simply give a couple bucks so we can ship it to you. Plus if for any reason it isn’t for you, you can ask for a 100% refund and KEEP the book! I’d call that pretty fair :)
And just to be clear, there are NO strings attached. There is no autoship of any kind. This is a one-time payment for the book and nothing else.
Question: Will I also get a digital copy of Perfect Poops Desserts?
Answer: Yes! That way you can start making recipes while the physical edition is being shipped to you :)
Question: Are these OK for someone with blood sugar issues?
Answer: Each recipe uses a sugar alternative that doesn’t affect blood sugar (like xylitol/erythritol), has no added sugar, or uses an all-natural sweetener such as honey, maple syrup or applesauce. These are all much healthier than traditional sugar. Plus the added fiber helps slow absorption of sugars. If you’re suffering from blood sugar issues, please use your judgement and enjoy them in moderation.
Question: Do you have a substitute for almond/coconut flour? I’m allergic.
Answer: Yep! Simply use the other one. If you’re allergic to almond flour, using coconut flour. If you’re allergic to coconut flour, use almond flour. They can be substituted at a 1:1 ratio which makes it easy.
Question: Are these paleo/keto/vegan friendly?
Answer: The main purpose of these is to be gut-friendly, so not every recipe is friendly to all 3 of these diets. However, most of them are. And as always, you can make small substitutions to make each recipe fit your own unique diet.
Question: How long will it take for the book to arrive?
Answer: Books generally ship the next business day and arrive in 3-7 business days (U.S.A.) and 7-12 days (international).
Question: How hard are these to make?
Answer: Not at all! I’m not a baker (I prefer cooking) and I make them all the time. I get all 3 of my boys involved in making these desserts, and I recommend you do the same!
Answer: Anywhere from 3-5 minutes up to about 30 minutes of actually prep time. Anything after that is cooking or cooling time. Most of them fall in the 10-15 minute range. They’re quick!
Question: What sweeteners are used in Perfect Poops Desserts?
Answer: There are various sweeteners that are used for various recipes. We replace regular white sugar with honey, maple syrup, erythritol, xylitol, or coconut sugar, based on the recipe. If you prefer specific sugars, you can try substituting whatever you prefer. It only takes a few seconds to look up substitution ratios.
Question: What allergens are in Perfect Poops Desserts?
Answer: All of the recipes are gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, peanut, and white sugar free. The only common allergens that you’ll find are…
- Almonds (almond flour, almond butter)
- Coconut (coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut oil)
- Eggs
- Walnuts/hazelnuts
And remember, any ingredient can be substituted. For example, you can substitute almond flour and coconut flour 1-to-1 if you’re allergic or intolerant to either.
(Just $6.95 S&H for U.S. customers. $9.95 S&H for international.)
(By clicking this link you won’t be obligated in any way to make a purchase.)
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